

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



听见隔壁的马来夫妇在逗孩子玩,妈咪很伤心。 为什么宝贝不能留在妈咪身边?其实当保姆说不要再顾安安时,妈咪并没有生气,因为妈咪觉得终于找到机会可以让安安留在妈咪身边了。



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Family Trip to Kuantan 2D 1N (2010/06/05-06)

Family Trip to Kuantan 2D 1N (2010/06/05-06)
这是我们一年一度的Family Trip, 由去年的云顶金马伦之旅开始。。。

今年的计划从一开始的新山游变成了关丹游, 这都是外婆的72变, 我变我变我变变变!

这次的导游是三姨, 最难忘的应该是那坐山洞了-Gua Charas, Panching, Kuantan! 大家爬得上气不接下气的。。。妈咪还抱着安安哦, 外婆就抱宇宏。下山后, 大家还开吃粽大会呢! 花絮是大舅母也一同参与哦,大口大口的哦!只是粽子的料不同罢了!

虽然只是短短的两天一夜游,大家还是超开心的!!! 还没回家已经计划下一站了, 提议是Pulau !!!
AN happy together with Daddy & Mommy, more and more trip to go, Mommy promised that!!!


Where is our next??? Tioman? Redang? Langkawi? Singapore? or Genting again?

Our 2009 family trip @ Genting + Cameron Highland
安安当时是个两个月大的宝宝哦! 已经爬了两座山了! 爹地妈咪还担心安安会怕冷呢!

安安在吊桥上玩。。。 还坚持要走在桥上呢!


在沙滩上画画还有en en。。。

安安超喜欢玩水。。。 爹地可要遵守诺言哦!

pose pose pose。。。

这是妈咪去年和同事到北马买的泰国装, 有大象的图画。。。

AN walk around ... (2010/06/04)

AN walk around... (2010/06/04)

AN start to walk around when he is nearly 17 months. Some people said its a bit late if compare with others. But according to doctor, it is normal in between 18-20 months.

Mommy is so happy, just hoping AN AN can grow healthy and happy forever.

walk here and there, at the same time make friend also with others...

found a seat by himself ...

playing around ...

3D 2N JB Trip (2010/05/28-30)

3D 2N JB Trip (2010/05-28-30)
这是个美丽的假期。。。 妈咪不去担心其它事, 一同和爹地还有安安到新山去!
原本还有一车人要去的但临时放飞机了。。。 不错, 说的正是外公,外婆,四姨婆,小舅, 还有飞机师三姨。除了带安安到新山探望阿公和阿麽,我们三连同小姨还去大姨家呢。 不单单是安安第一次去, 就连爹地妈咪也是。不过,小姨可就是常客了!
也没去哪儿玩, 只是到附近的购物广场逛逛而已因为妈咪不想影响安安的午睡时间。最后一天的早晨, 我们也陪宇哲表哥参加了运动会。 无意间, 爹地发现安安很喜欢玩滑梯!看到playground 开心得不得了!
这趟新山三天两夜游, 妈咪对爹地说:“看看宝贝多开心,我们应该常带宝贝出远门!”

安安顾着妈咪的beg, 这也让安安多说了一个字-beg。。。

a free dinner 。。。 Thanks Sin Chew Daily Quiz。。。

Mirror posting。。。

shopping lo!!!

AN is so happy playing in the police car!!!


骑着lion, 外公可别惊讶哦!

AN's brothers ~YuZhe & YuHong~

look around with his big eyes!!!

attended YuZhe's Sports Day!!!
playing around...
Mommy found that AN know the word "money" in mandarin “钱”, at the same time touching Mommy's pocket 。。。
we sit at behind, AN always want to move to the middle near the driving side and look at his Daddy and call “BA BA", AN will keep calling Daddy if Daddy not answer on the spot.
giving mommy money, look around, search around in the car!

2011 年6月间陪伴妈咪待产的敬安

2011 年6月间陪伴妈咪待产的敬安 六月里待产的日子很难过。 由于身体不是处于完美状态,时不时就痛,又担心生产后更痛,所以特别无助。 幸亏敬安不时给妈咪来个搞笑样,连外公外婆也逗乐了。最重要的还是有小姨,她就像大小孩,常常给敬安“扮美美”。谢谢大家了!   ...